4 min de citit
Dreams Corner, Inclusive Education Center Beclean, Bistrița-Năsăud
Pre-School students realized that something is missing in their classroom. The missing thing was a space where there will be toys and...

2 min de citit
I Can! – “Romulus Paraschivoiu” Technology High School, Lovin, Timis
Students identified a problem that prevents them from having an optimal school environment: personal lockers, where they can keep their...

2 min de citit
SUPERHEROES through movement, collaboration, friendship - Nr.1 Secondary School, Rm. Sărat, Buzău
The pupils identified a frequent problem encountered in schools in Romania, especially in our school. It’s about the right to equality,...

5 min de citit
Past, present and future - we are united through involvement! - Secondary School Sihlea, Vrancea
The group of pupils objectively analysed the reality of our community and concluded that there is an immediate need of a group of people...
5 min de citit
WE EXPEL VIOLENCE - Together we build a better future! Ziduri Secondary School, Buzau
Violence weakens the pupils’ connection with school, feelings of fear and insecurity are triggered - events that are since the beginning...

4 min de citit
Together we change the future! “Marcea Pompiliu” Secondary School, Tg. Jiu-Gorj
The focus in this project was make a change at the community level, a change proposed and achieved by little superheroes of third grade...

3 min de citit
Together we can say stop! Secondary School nr. 1 Bogdanesti, Suceava county
Pupils identified a problem often encountered in Romanian schools especially in our school. It’s about bullying. Children identified the...

5 min de citit
4 R SUPERHERO –Redu- Reciclează – Refoloseşte – Refuză Plasticul Școala Gimnazială Lehliu-Gară
Proiectul nostru, numit SUPEREROUL 4 R, a plecat de la întrebarea unui elev: „D-nă am văzut la televizor că un pui de balenă – pilot, a...

3 min de citit
Together we succeed! Lunca Secondary School, Pascani!
Pupils identified a problem often encountered in Romanian schools especially in our school. It’s about bullying. Children identified the...

3 min de citit
My dog, Ioan Opriș Secondary School Turda, Cluj
The students realized that they are too many dogs without an owner and they could do something about it. They found a dog shelter (the...